How to Spot Inexperienced Laminate Floor Installers

Often, at our Completely Floored showroom in Everett, WA, our on-site experts answer a wide array of queries concerning flooring installation. Once in a while, homeowners don't know who to contact for such a monumental job - because it certainly is! It can be tricky in the end, since folks are torn between choosing an experienced crew and saving some money. However, when shopping around for a team to complete the task, it's essential not to select the cheapest company. Inadvertently, you may be hiring workers that don't know what they're doing. To avoid the headache of dealing with inexperienced teams, look out for these sure-fire signs.

Constantly Changing Their Price From Cheap to Cheaper

More often then not, if you're talking to a laminate flooring installation team that's continually lowering their prices, going from already cheap to even cheaper, this is a sign that you're dealing with an inexperienced group. Clearly, price dropping is also a sign of desperation, and you need to ask yourself why they're so desperate. Is it because they don't know what they're doing, or does it point to workers that cut corners? In the end, it's just not worth it to find out the hard way, when their poor workmanship is clearly apparent.

No Online Rating or Word of Mouth Referrals

In this day and age, it's a little bit odd that a legitimate business has no online presence. As such, if you're dealing with workers that have no website or business listing, you may want to skip them altogether. As well, it's best to choose a laminate flooring installation team via word of mouth of course. But unfortunately, that's not always a possibility, as you may simply not know anyone who has hired for such a job. In this instance, you can ask the team you are considering, if they can provide references for their previous jobs. 

If they cannot do so, for whatever reason, you're better off going with a different crew, as this may signal no prior experience, or past clients who were not satisfied with their surfacing projects. Usually, homeowners who are happy with their renovations are more than happy to speak to potential customers, taking the chance to show off their gorgeous new surfacing.

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